Wednesday, January 1, 2020

What are Digital Footprints and How They Pose a Threat To Your Online Privacy

An average American spends 25% of their daytime, being online. Millennials are getting obsessed with social networking, especially youth spend most of the day on Instagram and WhatsApp. They are unintentionally leaving their digital Footprints online. Now, you must be pondering, what are Digital Footprints? Whether you’re putting a picture on Instagram or clicking on eye-catching advertisements, whether you are submitting information on the online services or posting an update on the social media; it leads to an online trail you are unintentionally leaving online. If you visit a website that uses cookies, they can easily collect your information. Now if you can imagine the repercussions of someone using your data, it’s like providing your sensitive information to strangers. How risky it is! Who knows when someone can use your vulnerabilities against you? If you’re not protecting your digital footprints with the aid of Privacy shield software, then you’re handing out your personal information to strangers on your own. Third parties can tell a lot about you just from the digital footprints. They can determine everything from what’s your location, what you like, what you do in your spare time, who all are your friends and even which series you love to watch. On the one hand, Digital Footprints matter a lot; for example, 70% of employers scan social media accounts of job candidates. Even the employers can judge you based on your digital footprints.

One should consider to minimize the online trail and should look for ways to remove the digital footprints. There are two types of Digital Footprints. One is Active, and the other is Passive. In Active, the person is conscious of what he is leaving actively on social media. For Example, Social media posts and filling your personal information in online forms. In Passive digital footprints, the person is not cognizant of what he is unintentionally leaving behind. For Example, Cookies use your private information and geolocation tools that share your location.
Who is Keeping a note of your Digital Footprint?
According to the reports, 75% of the world’s most popular websites use tracking tools; they are always prying on you. Your online information is used for marketing purposes, and no one knows how they can use your sensitive data against you. Have you ever noticed that whatever you’re searching online at night, the other day on your social media feed, you find pop-ups of that same advertisement? Not only marketers but even a hacker can also track you, and they find different ways to attack you.
How to Reduce your Digital Footprints?
Use a secure Wi-Fi connection: Avoid using Wi-Fi at coffee shops, cafes or grocery stores. If it is extremely crucial to use the Wi-Fi then only use it, and do not deliver sensitive information. Moreover, use a VPN to encrypt your data.
Useless Social Media: According to the reports, 70% of Americans use Facebook, and no other site is used less. Be cautious when it’s come to sharing information on social media. Keep your social media profiles private and disable your location sharing feature. Always think twice before you post it.
Use a Secure Web Browser: Turn off the third-party cookies, it tries to target users with the advertisements. Some of the browsers allow you to block cookies.
How to Remove Digital Footprints?
Download a robust and trusted PC Privacy Shield and what’s better than choosing peerless defencebyte software in this regard. It will keep your data protected from all sorts of identity threats and digital catastrophe. It will automatically remove online browsing history and wipe all the track records from the browser. It safeguards the privacy of the user by leaving no track records of any online work, thus protecting your vital credentials from getting breached online.

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